Effect of Bioorganic Enhancers on Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Yields

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Ignacio Corrales Garriga, M. Sc.
Pedro Jesús López Labarta, Eng.
Eduard Chapman Nicot, Eng.


This research took place on El Huerto Farm, Cándido González Cooperative of Credit and Services, in the province of Camaguey, Cuba, on low-natural-fertility, red-brown, mulled magnesian ferrallitic soil. The goal of the study was to increase yields of bean variety "Rosa", using bio-organic enhancers applied every seven days after seed germination. A randomized block design was made, with six treatments and four replicas. The indicators evaluated were, number of pod per plants, number of beans per pod, volume of 100 beans, and crop yields. A computerized two-way analysis of variance was used for evaluation of the experimental data; the Duncan´s test was applied to significant values (5%). The treatment with natural liquid humus + potassium nitrate + potassium sulfate produced the highest rise in yields and related components


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This research took place on El Huerto Farm, Cándido González Cooperative of Credit and Services, in the province of Camaguey, Cuba, on low-natural-fertility, red-brown, mulled magnesian ferrallitic soil. The goal of the study was to increase yields of bean variety "Rosa", using bio-organic enhancers applied every seven days after seed germination. A randomized block design was made, with six treatments and four replicas. The indicators evaluated were, number of pod per plants, number of beans per pod, volume of 100 beans, and crop yields. A computerized two-way analysis of variance was used for evaluation of the experimental data; the Duncan´s test was applied to significant values (5%). The treatment with natural liquid humus + potassium nitrate + potassium sulfate produced the highest rise in yields and related components

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Cómo citar
Corrales Garriga, I., López Labarta, P., & Chapman Nicot, E. (2017). Effect of Bioorganic Enhancers on Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Yields. Agrisost, 23(2), 58-65. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.reduc.edu.cu, revistas.reduc.edu.cu/index.php/agrisost/article/view/2353
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