Dioon spinulosum (Zamiaceae), a Notable Exotic Tree in Camagüey

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Roeris González Sivilla, Ph.D.
Julio Rifa Téllez C. Rifa Téllez, Ph.D.


The identity of a tree cultivated in the city of Camagüey for ornamental purposes was revealed. The tree had become popular due to the inexistence of similar specimens in other gardens of the country. The utilization of botanical methods, like collection management, the use of catalogs and keys, and scientific description and illustrations, facilitated its identification as Dioon spinulosum Dyer & Eichler. (Zamiaceae), a taxon only recorded in Cuba for scientific collections.  The species was described and a key was set up to differentiate the plant to another specimen that belongs to the genus observed on the island, and to determine the possible age of the plant was assessed.


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The identity of a tree cultivated in the city of Camagüey for ornamental purposes was revealed. The tree had become popular due to the inexistence of similar specimens in other gardens of the country. The utilization of botanical methods, like collection management, the use of catalogs and keys, and scientific description and illustrations, facilitated its identification as Dioon spinulosum Dyer & Eichler. (Zamiaceae), a taxon only recorded in Cuba for scientific collections.  The species was described and a key was set up to differentiate the plant to another specimen that belongs to the genus observed on the island, and to determine the possible age of the plant was assessed.

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Cómo citar
González Sivilla, R., & Rifa Téllez, J. R. T. (2018). Dioon spinulosum (Zamiaceae), a Notable Exotic Tree in Camagüey. Agrisost, 24(2), 88-96. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.reduc.edu.cu, revistas.reduc.edu.cu, revistas.reduc.edu.cu/index.php/agrisost/article/view/2700
Novum cubanus plantae coluerunt