Diversity of plant species on suburban farms in Santiago de Cuba

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Belyani Vargas Batis
Larisbel Candó González
Yoannia Gretel Pupo Blanco
Maiquel Ramírez Sosa
Yatniel Escobar Perea
Miriela Rizo Mustelier
Lilian Bárbara Molina Lores
Tatiana Dora Bell Mesa
Daniel Rafael Vuelta Lorenzo


The aim of the study was to evaluate the behavior of arborescent and shrub-like activity on four suburban farms in the province of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. 100 m2 plots were created for species count. A flower list was made after species identification, then the alpha (α) diversity indicators were calculated (Species abundance (S), Dominance (Simpson D), and General Diversity (Shannon, H). The indicators for the beta diversity were Jaccard (Ij), Morisita-Horn (IM-H), and Ecological Subordination (ES). The data collected included 62 509 individuals from 65 families, 154 genders, and 183 species. For both groups, the alpha indicators showed an increasing trend between periods, with values ranging within the parameters for each indicator. La Caballería farm was the exception, where the Shannon diversity index (H) was not within the set range for proper diversity and abundance during the dry season. The beta diversity indicators showed differing values among the samples studied, which prove the existence of specific species adapted to the environmental conditions of the place.


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The aim of the study was to evaluate the behavior of arborescent and shrub-like activity on four suburban farms in the province of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. 100 m2 plots were created for species count. A flower list was made after species identification, then the alpha (α) diversity indicators were calculated (Species abundance (S), Dominance (Simpson D), and General Diversity (Shannon, H). The indicators for the beta diversity were Jaccard (Ij), Morisita-Horn (IM-H), and Ecological Subordination (ES). The data collected included 62 509 individuals from 65 families, 154 genders, and 183 species. For both groups, the alpha indicators showed an increasing trend between periods, with values ranging within the parameters for each indicator. La Caballería farm was the exception, where the Shannon diversity index (H) was not within the set range for proper diversity and abundance during the dry season. The beta diversity indicators showed differing values among the samples studied, which prove the existence of specific species adapted to the environmental conditions of the place.

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Cómo citar
Vargas Batis, B., Candó González, L., Pupo Blanco, Y., Ramírez Sosa, M., Escobar Perea, Y., Rizo Mustelier, M., Molina Lores, L., Bell Mesa, T., & Vuelta Lorenzo, D. (2016). Diversity of plant species on suburban farms in Santiago de Cuba. Agrisost, 22(2), 1-20. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.reduc.edu.cu/index.php/agrisost/article/view/297
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