Treatment of Sorghum Hybrid 85 P15 (Pioneer®) Seeds and their Influence on Melanaphis sacchari/sorghi Infestation
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Context: Sorghum is a hosting plant of Melanaphis sacchari/sorghi. The control measures against the insect include the treatment of seeds. However, evaluation of the effect of insecticides on insect populations and the agronomic variables of the crop, are needed.
Aim: To evaluate the influence of insecticides clothianidin, thiamethoxan, and imidacloprid during the treatment of hybrid 85 P15 (Pioneer®) seeds on the agronomic variables of the crop and infestation with M. sacchari/sorghi.
Methods: The experiment was conducted in the School of Higher Studies in Xalostoc, Mexico, in 2018. Four doses of Poncho®, Cruiser® 5 FS, and Tools® TS in the treatment of hybrid 85 P15 (Pioneer®) seeds. A randomized block experimental design was applied, and the percentage of germination, M. sacchari/sorghi infestation, and agronomic parameters of the crop, were determined.
Results: All the parameters achieved more than 90% of germination, which demonstrated that the products and doses did not affect this parameter. Likewise, no differences were observed in the treatments. The use of these insecticides in hybrid seeds had a little influence on aphid infestation. These treatments do not affect the content of chlorophyll, but other parameters, like Brix degree, and the fresh leaf weight were affected.
Conclusions: The seed treatment does not reduce the percentage of germination of 85 P15 (Pioneer®) hybrids, a strong control was not achieved over infestation of aphids, but it did affect some agronomic variables; hence, evaluation of other hybrids is recommended.
Context: Sorghum is a hosting plant of Melanaphis sacchari/sorghi. The control measures against the insect include the treatment of seeds. However, evaluation of the effect of insecticides on insect populations and the agronomic variables of the crop, are needed.
Aim: To evaluate the influence of insecticides clothianidin, thiamethoxan, and imidacloprid during the treatment of hybrid 85 P15 (Pioneer®) seeds on the agronomic variables of the crop and infestation with M. sacchari/sorghi.
Methods: The experiment was conducted in the School of Higher Studies in Xalostoc, Mexico, in 2018. Four doses of Poncho®, Cruiser® 5 FS, and Tools® TS in the treatment of hybrid 85 P15 (Pioneer®) seeds. A randomized block experimental design was applied, and the percentage of germination, M. sacchari/sorghi infestation, and agronomic parameters of the crop, were determined.
Results: All the parameters achieved more than 90% of germination, which demonstrated that the products and doses did not affect this parameter. Likewise, no differences were observed in the treatments. The use of these insecticides in hybrid seeds had a little influence on aphid infestation. These treatments do not affect the content of chlorophyll, but other parameters, like Brix degree, and the fresh leaf weight were affected.
Conclusions: The seed treatment does not reduce the percentage of germination of 85 P15 (Pioneer®) hybrids, a strong control was not achieved over infestation of aphids, but it did affect some agronomic variables; hence, evaluation of other hybrids is recommended.
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Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0.
Derechos de autor 2018
Copyright ©Agrisost/ (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0
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