Bacterial Disease in Plantain (Dickeya paradisiaca): symptoms, epidemiology, and management elements
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Context: Fungal diseases, commonly known as black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet), and Fusarium (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense) wilt, have always been considered the major worldwide diseases in plantain and banana, therefore they have received more attention. However, bacterial diseases cause significant impacts on yields, and management practices are not always well known.
Aims: I. To describe and illustrate the symptoms that correspond to pseudostem wet rot in a plantation of plantain, observed in the premises of a farm located in Santo Domingo, province of Villa Clara, Cuba, in September 2019. II. To study the state of the art of the main bacterial wilt affecting plantain and banana today. To offer elements that contribute to the adoption of biosafety practices on the farms, in order to manage pseudostem wet rot, and rhizome rot.
Results: The symptoms of the disease were described after confirming the attack of the pathogen in a particular production area. Besides, aspects related to the epidemiology and management of the bacterial disease are updated.
Conclusions: The success of management strategies depends largely on the development of capacities and systematic activities for elimination and sanitation.
Context: Fungal diseases, commonly known as black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet), and Fusarium (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense) wilt, have always been considered the major worldwide diseases in plantain and banana, therefore they have received more attention. However, bacterial diseases cause significant impacts on yields, and management practices are not always well known.
Aims: I. To describe and illustrate the symptoms that correspond to pseudostem wet rot in a plantation of plantain, observed in the premises of a farm located in Santo Domingo, province of Villa Clara, Cuba, in September 2019. II. To study the state of the art of the main bacterial wilt affecting plantain and banana today. To offer elements that contribute to the adoption of biosafety practices on the farms, in order to manage pseudostem wet rot, and rhizome rot.
Results: The symptoms of the disease were described after confirming the attack of the pathogen in a particular production area. Besides, aspects related to the epidemiology and management of the bacterial disease are updated.
Conclusions: The success of management strategies depends largely on the development of capacities and systematic activities for elimination and sanitation.
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Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0
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