Sustainable Land Management for Adaptation to Climatic change in La Gloria Community, Camagüey
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Context: Despite the development priority given to sustainable agriculture, and having the methodological resources for Sustainable Land Management (SLM), implementation is slow, which is caused by the implementation of non-conservationist practices, and the impacts of climate variability and change. The existing information refers to the practical experiences of SLM in particular sites, though the challenges of the process of management innovation are dealt with less frequently.
Aim: To optimize the design and implementation processes of SLM plans, for adaptation to climatic change on La Gloria community farms.
Methods: Participatory research-action, engaging observation, in-depth interview, literature review, and SLM, climatic change approach integration, along with other approaches of sustainability and innovation management.
Results: The synergistic effect of SLM approaches and adaptation to climatic change for sustainability in agriculture are evidenced locally, and improvements are made to the SLM plan design and implementation processes, for adaptation to climatic change.
Conclusions: The methodological approach implemented allows for the integration of R + D+ +i, science and technology management. The creation of farmer and specialist capacities enhance the synergistic effect needed for sustainability in sustainable land management, and adaptation to climate variability and change in local farming practices, which have been evidenced in nature-based solutions adopted by the farmers.
Context: Despite the development priority given to sustainable agriculture, and having the methodological resources for Sustainable Land Management (SLM), implementation is slow, which is caused by the implementation of non-conservationist practices, and the impacts of climate variability and change. The existing information refers to the practical experiences of SLM in particular sites, though the challenges of the process of management innovation are dealt with less frequently.
Aim: To optimize the design and implementation processes of SLM plans, for adaptation to climatic change on La Gloria community farms.
Methods: Participatory research-action, engaging observation, in-depth interview, literature review, and SLM, climatic change approach integration, along with other approaches of sustainability and innovation management.
Results: The synergistic effect of SLM approaches and adaptation to climatic change for sustainability in agriculture are evidenced locally, and improvements are made to the SLM plan design and implementation processes, for adaptation to climatic change.
Conclusions: The methodological approach implemented allows for the integration of R + D+ +i, science and technology management. The creation of farmer and specialist capacities enhance the synergistic effect needed for sustainability in sustainable land management, and adaptation to climate variability and change in local farming practices, which have been evidenced in nature-based solutions adopted by the farmers.
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Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0.
Derechos de autor 2018
Copyright ©Agrisost/ (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0
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