A Comparative Trial of Papaya Cultivars
Main Article Content
Context: Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is one of the most important and widely spread fruit trees in tropical and subtropical countries. The single variety exploitation based on Maradol roja cultivar, in Cuba, has exposed this crop to serious risks. Hence, the introduction, characterization, and maintenance of new germplasm of this species is a critical factor when identifying and obtaining new genotypes.
Aim: To evaluate these cultivars, in order to broaden the genetic diversity of this plant, and continue with the genetic breeding program for this species.
Methods: This research study was done at the Tropical Crop Vegetable Research Institute (INIVIT), on mulled brown soil with carbonates. Different parameters were analyzed, such as, plant height (cm), base perimeter (cm), number of active leaves, height of first inflorescence (cm), and average weight of the fruit (kg), number of fruit per plant, flesh thickness (cm), and yield (t.ha-1) at the end of the plant cycle. Information was processed through an object-oriented programing language named R 3.6.1 (R Development Core Team).
Results: This study demonstrated a broad variability in growth and productivity of different cultivars.
Conclusions: Cultivars Enana and Criolla grew smaller, which makes them suitable as genotypes to genetically contribute to a reduction in plant size, and cultivars INIVIT fb-4 and INIVIT fb-17 showed acceptable agronomic features suitable for the large papaya consuming market internationally.
Context: Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is one of the most important and widely spread fruit trees in tropical and subtropical countries. The single variety exploitation based on Maradol roja cultivar, in Cuba, has exposed this crop to serious risks. Hence, the introduction, characterization, and maintenance of new germplasm of this species is a critical factor when identifying and obtaining new genotypes.
Aim: To evaluate these cultivars, in order to broaden the genetic diversity of this plant, and continue with the genetic breeding program for this species.
Methods: This research study was done at the Tropical Crop Vegetable Research Institute (INIVIT), on mulled brown soil with carbonates. Different parameters were analyzed, such as, plant height (cm), base perimeter (cm), number of active leaves, height of first inflorescence (cm), and average weight of the fruit (kg), number of fruit per plant, flesh thickness (cm), and yield (t.ha-1) at the end of the plant cycle. Information was processed through an object-oriented programing language named R 3.6.1 (R Development Core Team).
Results: This study demonstrated a broad variability in growth and productivity of different cultivars.
Conclusions: Cultivars Enana and Criolla grew smaller, which makes them suitable as genotypes to genetically contribute to a reduction in plant size, and cultivars INIVIT fb-4 and INIVIT fb-17 showed acceptable agronomic features suitable for the large papaya consuming market internationally.
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Derechos de autor 2018
Copyright ©Agrisost/ (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0
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