The Drought Hazard: Risk Perceptions and Educational Actions that Promote Resilience in the Cuban Population
Main Article Content
Context: The study of subjectivity in face of natural dangers is being conducted in Cuba as part of the Studies of Hazard, Vulnerability, and Risk by the Environmental Agency of CITMA in Cuban provinces. Droughts require control plans that reduce the negative effects of droughts and the repercussions on the population exposed.
Aim: To characterize perceptions and groups, according to the risk perception levels (high, medium, low), of the Cuban population before the occurrence of droughts, to design educational actions that lead to adaptation and resilience of the population affected.
Methods: This paper relies on the quantitative method, using the analyses of the data recorded in the following sources of information: Reports on Hazard, Vulnerability, and Risk Analysis (HVA), 2011-2018), and the Survey on Risk Perception on the Hazard of Droughts (2011-2018).
Results: Drought risk perception characterizes by the recognition of drought intensity and their dangerousness in relation to other natural hazards.
Conclusions: The perception that prevailed throughout the study was the medium. Most of the population recognized the role of the government and state institutions and their concern about the consequences of droughts and the confidence of the population in these organizations to fight these conditions. The action proposal permits organizing and materializing the educational work objectively, to promote proper resilience in the Cuban population in relation to droughts.
Context: The study of subjectivity in face of natural dangers is being conducted in Cuba as part of the Studies of Hazard, Vulnerability, and Risk by the Environmental Agency of CITMA in Cuban provinces. Droughts require control plans that reduce the negative effects of droughts and the repercussions on the population exposed.
Aim: To characterize perceptions and groups, according to the risk perception levels (high, medium, low), of the Cuban population before the occurrence of droughts, to design educational actions that lead to adaptation and resilience of the population affected.
Methods: This paper relies on the quantitative method, using the analyses of the data recorded in the following sources of information: Reports on Hazard, Vulnerability, and Risk Analysis (HVA), 2011-2018), and the Survey on Risk Perception on the Hazard of Droughts (2011-2018).
Results: Drought risk perception characterizes by the recognition of drought intensity and their dangerousness in relation to other natural hazards.
Conclusions: The perception that prevailed throughout the study was the medium. Most of the population recognized the role of the government and state institutions and their concern about the consequences of droughts and the confidence of the population in these organizations to fight these conditions. The action proposal permits organizing and materializing the educational work objectively, to promote proper resilience in the Cuban population in relation to droughts.
Article Details

Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0.
Derechos de autor 2018
Copyright ©Agrisost/ (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0
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