Effects of Additives PROBIOLACTlL® and IHPLUS® on Suckling Piglets
Main Article Content
Context: Lactation is one on the most critical stages of swine breeding due to the frequent presence of diseases.
Aim: To evaluate the probiotic effect of biopreparations PROBIOLACTlL® and IHPLUS® on suckling piglets.
Method: The study relied on a completely randomized experimental design, which included three treatments: I. Basal diet (Control); II Basal diet + PROBIOLACTIL®; III. Basal diet + IHPlus®. Productive indicators like live weight, weight gain, mean daily gain, food conversion, and health indicators were evaluated.
Results: The additives improved all the indicators evaluated and brought about benefits (P<0.05) in live weight (6.88, 7.63, 7.77 kg); mean daily gain (0.207, 0.281, 0.299 g); weight gain (1.06, 1.38, 1.50 kg); and feed conversion (0.29, 0.25, 0.20). Additionally, there was a drop in the occurrence of diarrhea (33.33, 3.88, 2.77%) observed in the animals treated.
Conclusions: The results confirm the probiotic potential of these biopreparations when supplied to the suckling piglets.
Context: Lactation is one on the most critical stages of swine breeding due to the frequent presence of diseases.
Aim: To evaluate the probiotic effect of biopreparations PROBIOLACTlL® and IHPLUS® on suckling piglets.
Method: The study relied on a completely randomized experimental design, which included three treatments: I. Basal diet (Control); II Basal diet + PROBIOLACTIL®; III. Basal diet + IHPlus®. Productive indicators like live weight, weight gain, mean daily gain, food conversion, and health indicators were evaluated.
Results: The additives improved all the indicators evaluated and brought about benefits (P<0.05) in live weight (6.88, 7.63, 7.77 kg); mean daily gain (0.207, 0.281, 0.299 g); weight gain (1.06, 1.38, 1.50 kg); and feed conversion (0.29, 0.25, 0.20). Additionally, there was a drop in the occurrence of diarrhea (33.33, 3.88, 2.77%) observed in the animals treated.
Conclusions: The results confirm the probiotic potential of these biopreparations when supplied to the suckling piglets.
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