Concepción teórico - metodológica de formación ambiental permanente del directivo educacional del siglo XXI / Theoretical - methodological conception about the permanent environmental formation of the members of the education board of the XXI century

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Mavel Moré Estupiñán


Se revelan las relaciones sistémicas del formación ambiental permanente del directivo educacional a partir de de los fundamentos teórico-metodológicos de la educación ambiental para el desarrollo sostenible y del sistema de dirección institucional. Se le reconoce una función orientadora, que se concreta en dos componentes: el teórico - conceptual, que brinda elementos esenciales de los contenidos de la formación ambiental permanente del directivo educacional, y el metodológico - instrumental, que ofrece aspectos para su instrumentación.

The theoretical-methodological conception for the permanent environmental formation of the members of the education board shows the systemic relations of the process, starting in the interrelation of contents about the theoretical - methodological foundations of the environmental education to the sustainable development and the system of education management. It has a function of orientation divided into two main components: the theoretical-conceptual that offer essential elements from the contents of the members of the education board permanent environmental formation and the methodological - instrumental one that provides aspects for the application.


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Cómo citar
Moré Estupiñán, M. (2009). Concepción teórico - metodológica de formación ambiental permanente del directivo educacional del siglo XXI / Theoretical - methodological conception about the permanent environmental formation of the members of the education board of the XXI century. Monteverdia, 3(1), 17-25. Recuperado a partir de,
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