Benthic communities and incidence of free diving in reefs of Laguna de Maya, Matanzas, Cuba

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Leslie Hernández-Fernández
Elena de la Guardia Llansó
Yadira Torres Olarriaga


Background: There is a lack of a quantitative characterization of the structure and abundance of the benthic communities of the “Laguna de Maya” coral reef. This information is very useful to prevent anthropic affectations, such as those that come from free and autonomous SCUBA diving activity, for recreational purposes and for self-consumption fishing.

Objective: To characterize the benthic and fish community, allowing the determination of the incidence of diving on reefs of the “Laguna de Maya” Wildlife Refuge Protected Area, Matanzas, Cuba.

Methods: Four sites were sampled, with the use of a square frame with a side of 1m (1m2), according to Weinberg (1981). Between 26 and 31 sampling units were placed per site, for a total of 117 units, taking one side of each square to determine the substrate coverage. The maximum diameter and the percentages of surface with old death, recent death and bleaching, by colony, were quantified.

Results: 19 species of corals were identified, dominating Millepora complanata and Porites astreoides and the zoanthid Palythoa caribaeorum. 60 species of fish were registered, with Thalassoma bifasciatum and Chromis cyanea dominating. The largest offenses committed were contacts on corals (0.12 contacts/min).

Conclusions: In general, the health status of the corals was affected in two of the studied sites. The negative consequences, it seems, were the product of local impacts (recreational diving). In the studied baseline, the disturbances and dangers that prevail on the reef of the Wildlife Refuge Protected Area “Laguna de Maya” are identified.


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Hernández-Fernández, L., de la Guardia Llansó, E., & Torres Olarriaga, Y. (2021). Benthic communities and incidence of free diving in reefs of Laguna de Maya, Matanzas, Cuba. Monteverdia, 14(1), 28-41. Retrieved from
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