Classification of Dairy Units at the Valle del Perú Cattle Raising Enterprise.

  • Javier Herrera Institute of Animal Science, San José de Las Lajas, Mayabeque, Cuba.
Palabras clave: multivariate analysis, classification, discriminant power, dairies


Thirty dairies from a dairy company were characterized. Discriminant Function Analysis was applied. Eleven variables were used: annual milk production; milk production/cow/day; births; percent of milking cows; total cows; empty cows; Percent of areas with  Pennisetum  purpureum  vc.  Cuba CT-115;  percent of areas with improved pas-tures, milk L cost; total costs in CUP; and  number of workers.  The dairies were divided into three groups, based on annual milk production for three years (high, medium, low).  Dairies in group 1 showed a more favorable behavior than in group 2; and the latter had higher values than group 3, except for the total costs.  The most significant variables causing group differences were total births, percent of milking cows ,  and total cows. The results proved that, relatively, there were three types of dairies in the company: high, medium, and low annual milk production.  That in-formation was useful to set up technological strategies to improve the performance  of the least producing dairies.


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Cómo citar
Herrera, J. (2017). Classification of Dairy Units at the Valle del Perú Cattle Raising Enterprise. Revista De Producción Animal, 27(2), 1-5. Recuperado a partir de,,
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