Contents of Some Essential Minerals in Forages for Ruminants in Adama, Ethiopia. A Case Study.
The contents of phosphorous (P), calcium (Ca), sulphur (S), manganese (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), iron (Fe), and copper (Cu), in graminaceae and legumes used for ruminant nutrition in the city of Adama, Eth i-opia, were determined. The samples were taken at random, from grazing areas near the city, and in the food market for these animals. The Molibdovanate method was used to determine P ; Ca,Mg and Cu were determined by the atomic adsorption spectroscopic met hod with flame; Na and K were determined by flame photo-metry; and S, by the turbidimetric method. The values were compared with the values reported for these animal requirements. Deficiencies of Cu, P and Na were found in all the samples analyzed. King Grass, wheat and teff stalks, important sources of nutrients du ring the dry season, were the scarcest. Statistics (P < 0.05) showed that, as a group, graminaceae were more mineral deficient than legumes. A study of certain mineral sources from the area is recommended for use as raw materials for salt production.Descargas
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