Characterization of Some Resources in the Adama Assela Hawassa Region (Ethiopia), with Potential for Mineral Supplementation of Livestock, and Presentation of a New Mineral Salt.

  • Silvio J. Martínez Sáez Center for Animal Production Studies (CEDEPA), Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University of Camaguey, Cuba.
  • Hamsasew Hankebo Faculty of Natural Sciences, Science and Technology University of Adama, Ethiopia.


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Cómo citar
Martínez Sáez, S., & Hankebo, H. (2017). Characterization of Some Resources in the Adama Assela Hawassa Region (Ethiopia), with Potential for Mineral Supplementation of Livestock, and Presentation of a New Mineral Salt. Revista De Producción Animal, 29(1), 50-52. Recuperado a partir de
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