Composition, Attributes and Benefits of Goat Milk: Literature Review

  • Adela Bidot-Fernández Center for Animal Breeding Research in Tropical Livestock Raising (CIMAGT)
Palabras clave: goat´s milk, milk composition, quality of milk


Goat´s milk and cow´s milk have similar compositions. The former is healthy and nutritious, and it is a valid alternative to human´s milk because their nutritional values are also very similar. Many people who are allergic to cow´s milk can drink goat´s milk safely, as it contains a different protein. Goat's milk is gradually becoming more popular in world markets, beyond the countries where it is already one of the major components in the diet of millions of people today. To produce good quality milk some basic efficiency principles of livestock farming must be taken into consideration, like good quality animals, selection of dairy genotypes, adequate food supply, good management and health. The first two have direct effects on the the nutritional quality or composition of milk; the other two have to do with hygiene. This paper reviews the main aspects that influence goat´s milk composition, biological value as substitute for human´s milk, main components, and qualities and benefits to human health.


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Cómo citar
Bidot-Fernández, A. (2018). Composition, Attributes and Benefits of Goat Milk: Literature Review. Revista De Producción Animal, 29(2), 32-41. Recuperado a partir de,,
Manejo y Alimentación