Arrangement of Livestock Potential for Climate Change Adjustment in Jimaguayú, Camaguey, Cuba

  • Jorge Pereda Mouso Center for Animal Production development, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Camaguey, Cuba
  • Josefa Primelles Fariñas Center for Environmental Research, Camaguey, Cuba
  • Grisel Reyes Artiles Center for Environmental Research, Camaguey, Cuba
  • Madelín Cruz Cruz Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages, Camagüey, Cuba
Palabras clave: arrangement, restrictions, livestock, environment


The purpose of this paper was to make a contribution to the environmental arrangement of the livestock potential in the municipality of Jimaguayú, Camagüey, Cuba. The indicators restrictions, categories, and conflicts of the livestock potential in the region were identified and located on a map. Additionally, the policies, guidelines, regulations and standards for proper environmental management in each livestock area were determined. The study concluded that the potential of livestock activity consists in environmentally recommended use in the main eight of the seventeen secondary environmental areas that make up the region. One of them was considered for secondary use. In terms of categories, the municipality comprises 126.9 km2 without livestock potential, including several settlements and water reservoirs; 115.7 km2 were identified as having a poor potential; 316.3 km2 had a mid-potential; and 225.4 km2 was high. The previous contributed to the environmental arrangement of the livestock potential in the municipality of Jimaguayú, Camagüey. Accordingly, the restrictions, indicators, categories, and conflicts observed in the sector were determined, and their use was recommended for development in the secondary environmental areas with some potential, as well as to set up policies and general and specific guidelines.


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Cómo citar
Pereda Mouso, J., Primelles Fariñas, J., Reyes Artiles, G., & Cruz Cruz, M. (2018). Arrangement of Livestock Potential for Climate Change Adjustment in Jimaguayú, Camaguey, Cuba. Revista De Producción Animal, 29(3), 6-11. Recuperado a partir de,,
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