Establishing New Cenchrus purpureus Varieties in a Fragile Ecosystem in the Cauto River Valley, Granma, Cuba

  • José Marcelino Cruz Tejeda Jorge Dimitrov Center for Agricultural Research, Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages, Bayamo, Cuba
  • Jorge Valentín Ray Ramírez Jorge Dimitrov Center for Agricultural Research, Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages, Bayamo, Cuba
  • José Leonardo Ledea Rodríguez Jorge Dimitrov Center for Agricultural Research, Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages, Bayamo, Cuba
  • Ramón Crucito Arias Pérez Jorge Dimitrov Center for Agricultural Research, Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages, Bayamo, Cuba
Palabras clave: drought, salinity, Pennisetum purpureum, Cenchrus purpureus, degradation


Some indicators that determine the capacity to establish new varieties of Cenchrus purpureus (CT-801, CT-802, CT-803, CT-804, and CT-805), tolerant to droughts and salinity, in a fragile ecosystem in the province of Granma, Cuba, were evaluated. The study was made on the Cupeysito Basic State Farm, Manuel Fajardo Genetic Project, in Jiguaní, Granma. The five new varieties and variety Cuba CT-115 were used as controls in a randomized block design with four replicas. Shooting was controlled at different times of plantation, and the establishment cutting was made at 162 days, including the study of morphological and physiological variables, total DM yields and DM from leaves, leaf percent, and leaf/stem ratio. Cultivars CT-804 and CT-805 were higher (79%) than the control (CT-115) during shooting. The cultivars had similar height and stem thickness. The largest number of galls of CT-805 and CT-801 in relation to the progenitor CT-115 posed advantages for establishment. The new varieties, including CT-115, showed favorable levels of daily growth and low growth efficiency until the establishment cut was made, in the dry season. The progressive introduction of cultivars CT-801, CT-802, CT-803, CT-804, and CT-805 is recommended for their capacity to settle down in fragile ecosystems.


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Cómo citar
Cruz Tejeda, J., Ray Ramírez, J., Ledea Rodríguez, J., & Arias Pérez, R. (2018). Establishing New Cenchrus purpureus Varieties in a Fragile Ecosystem in the Cauto River Valley, Granma, Cuba. Revista De Producción Animal, 29(3), 29-35. Recuperado a partir de,,
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