Association of Disease Outbreak and Reproduction in Cattle Herds

  • Alfredo Alejandro Leal Labrada Agricultural Company, Ministry of Agriculture, Camagüey, Cuba
  • José Alberto Bertot Valdés Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University of Camagüey, Cuba
  • Maydier Horrach Junco Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University of Camagüey, Cuba
  • Roberto Vázquez Montes de Oca Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University of Camagüey, Cuba
  • Magaly Garay Durba Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University of Camagüey, Cuba


In order to determine the effects of infectious and parasitic diseases during the reproductive stage of artificially inseminated dairy cattle herds in the municipality of Camagüey, province of Camagüey, Cuba, the monthly data of death causes and number of cases (2010-2014) were collected at the company Triángulo 3. Significant correlations were found between the categories of the reproductive stage and the number of cases, seen as stimulus intensity (none = 0; one case = 1; about 2-4 cases = 2; five or more cases = 3). Probit regression revealed that the higher the stimulus the fewer cows awaiting diagnostic, and the greater the number of empty cows. Hence, these cases had a negative impact on the dairy herd´s reproductive behavior. This study recommends Probit regression as a tool for analysis of health issues associated with variables that define the reproductive status of the herd.


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Cómo citar
Leal Labrada, A. A., Bertot Valdés, J. A., Horrach Junco, M., Vázquez Montes de Oca, R., & Garay Durba, M. (2018). Association of Disease Outbreak and Reproduction in Cattle Herds. Revista De Producción Animal, 30(1), 49-53. Recuperado a partir de,,
Salud Animal

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