Teaser Bull Preparation by Surgically Made Ventral Prepuce Foramen
This surgical technique (opening of an artificial ventral prepuce orifice) was used to prepare 50 Holstein x Zebu teaser bulls. This study was made at Triangulo 5 and Triangulo 3 cattle companies, and on El Taburete Farm in the province of Camagüey, Cuba. Healing and recovery, surgery time, and costs of medication and surgical materials, were evaluated. Exploratory examination was made ten months after the procedure to verify the general state of the animal and the success of surgery. This technique demonstrated its simplicity, cost effectiveness, and celerity, both in execution and animal recovery. The surgically made ventral prepuce orifice is recommended to cut down production costs of cattle raising, and it could be used in other species of interest as well, like ovine-caprine.
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