Effect of Efficient Microorganisms on Bioproductive Indicators of Pre-fattening Pigs

  • Alex Valdés Suárez Agroforestry Faculty, University of Guantánamo, Cuba https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5265-045X
  • Víctor Manuel Álvarez Villar Agroforestry Faculty, University of Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Alain Legrá Rodríguez Agroforestry Faculty, University of Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Narcys Margarita Bueno Figueras Faculty of Agriculture, University of Granma, Bayamo, Cuba
Palabras clave: Cerdos, biopreparados, parámetros productivos, probióticos


Background: At present, additives are used as an alternative to increase animal productive yields. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effect of efficient microorganisms on bioproductive indicators of pre-fattening pigs.

Methods: A total of 80 Yorkshire/Landrace x CC21 animals (38 days old and 7.8 kg) were used under a completely randomized design in four groups of 20 animals each: control; treatment 1 (60 mL EM/5 kg of feed); treatment 2 (same as treatment 1, plus 1 mL EM/5 L of water); and treatment 3 (1 mL EM/5 L of water). The initial and final weights, weight gain, mean daily gain, food conversion, mortality, morbidity, and viability were evaluated for 49 days. The results were compared by covariance analysis, with IW as covariable; multiple comparison tests were made for comparison of means.

Results: The final weight, weight gain, mean daily gain, and food conversion showed significant differences (P≤0.05) between the treatments and the control, with the exception of mean daily gain in the third treatment. Mortality, morbidity, and viability were significantly different in the three groups treated in relation to the control.

Conclusions: The best results were observed in the first treatment, thus the inclusion of efficient microorganisms in the diet of pre-fattening pigs improved the bioproductive indicators.


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Cómo citar
Valdés Suárez, A., Álvarez Villar, V., Legrá Rodríguez, A., & Bueno Figueras, N. (2019). Effect of Efficient Microorganisms on Bioproductive Indicators of Pre-fattening Pigs. Revista De Producción Animal, 31(2). Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.reduc.edu.cu/index.php/rpa/article/view/e2796
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