Growth Trait Heredity in Two Cavy Sublines Native to the Ecuadoran Mountain Range

  • Cornelio J Rosales Jaramillo University of Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Pedro E Nieto Escandón University of Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Ángel E Ceró Rizo Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz, University, Camagüey, Cuba
  • Guillermo E Guevara Viera University of Cuenca, Ecuador


Background: No studies have been published on South American cavy preservation and breeding programs; therefore, the aim of this article was to analyze the genotypic and environmental factors that act upon the growth traits of a South American native cavy line found in the Ecuadoran Mountain Range.

Methods: The study took place on Irquis experimental farm, from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Cuenca, using two native cavy sublines from rural breeders in provinces Azuay and Cañar. Weight per age and daily weight gain (g) were analyzed by a mixed variance analysis of litter size (5), season (semester), sex, and parturition number of the mother as fixed effects, using software R 3.4.4. The random effects were made by sub-lines Azuay (1) and Cañar (2), and their male parents. The basic statistical values were determined.

Results: Birth weight, weaning weight, and weight at 90 days in grams, were 110.2 ± 1.81, 117.0 ± 1.44; 212.2 ± 4.30 and 221.13 ± 3.38; 540.7 ± 12.01, and 659.1 ± 9.44, respectively. The heredity values for these traits were 0.09 ± 0.101, 0.34 ± 0.201, and 0.11 ± 0.111. Besides, weight was analyzed at 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 days after birth, which included gains at every age. The BLUP predictors for the parents of the two sub-lines were determined. Variation and heritability allowed for selection of weight at weaning and at 90 days.

Conclusions: This line showed low growth levels, though the variations observed were adequate. Their heredity might lead to the expected favorable results, provided a selection program is implemented in the mid-term.


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Cómo citar
Rosales Jaramillo, C., Nieto Escandón, P., Ceró Rizo, Ángel, & Guevara Viera, G. (2019). Growth Trait Heredity in Two Cavy Sublines Native to the Ecuadoran Mountain Range. Revista De Producción Animal, 31(2). Recuperado a partir de,
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