Semiannual magazine founded in 2008 and published by the Center for Environmental Management Studies of the University of Camagüey "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz". Since 2012 it has been published under the Open Journal System with open access to all its contents and since 2019 it assumes the model of continuous publication in its editorial process. It is dedicated to environmental studies in environmental management, education and training, risk management and adaptation to climate change, ecology, history, economics and environmental law, human environment, local and sustainable development. They can publish researchers in the indicated areas, belonging to any national or international entity, as long as they accept the established editorial policies.
ISSN: (On-line version) 2077-2890
Journal certified by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba (CITMA).
Monteverdia is registered in the Nacional Registry of Serial Publications of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Cuba with the number 2189, Folio 130, Tomo III.
Open Access Journal adhering to the Joint Declaration LATINDEX-REDALYC-CLACSO-IBICT about the use of the license CC-BY-NC-SA (México Declaration) and the San Francisco Declaration on research assessment (DORA)
Double blind peer review
Director: Dr. C. Isidro Eduardo Méndez Santos
Editor: Dr. C. Roeris González Sivilla
Monteverdia is indexing in DOAJ, ERIHPLUS, REDIB, OAJI, ResearchBib, Sherpa Romeo, CORE , Science Library Index, WorldCat, Latindex, LatinRev, MIAR, BASE, EuroPub, Google Académico, Quality Open Access Market, ISSN International Centre, ROAD, JournalTOCs, Actualidad Iberoamericana, RPNS, Catalog Universiteits Bilbiotheek Gent y Catalog University Library of Mannheim

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