Potential of Geographic Information Systems to Create a Municipal Environmental Model

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Adrián Juan Espinosa


Geographic information systems are used internationally to acquire information about the characteristics of the global surface and digitalize it to facilitate georeferencing, statistical analysis, virtual scenarios and mitigation of disasters. In Cuba, they are inserted in the design of Environmental Models, along with other applications. The aim of this paper was to demonstrate the potential offered by Geographic Information Systems to establish an Environmental Model in the municipality of Camaguey, based on previous studies made in other municipalities of Cuba. Moreover, the main elements supporting this study were defined. This paper also deals with the different stages of Environmental Modeling, and how the Geographic Information Systems are included, based on the views from different researchers and specialists.  


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Geographic information systems are used internationally to acquire information about the characteristics of the global surface and digitalize it to facilitate georeferencing, statistical analysis, virtual scenarios and mitigation of disasters. In Cuba, they are inserted in the design of Environmental Models, along with other applications. The aim of this paper was to demonstrate the potential offered by Geographic Information Systems to establish an Environmental Model in the municipality of Camaguey, based on previous studies made in other municipalities of Cuba. Moreover, the main elements supporting this study were defined. This paper also deals with the different stages of Environmental Modeling, and how the Geographic Information Systems are included, based on the views from different researchers and specialists.  

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Cómo citar
Juan Espinosa, A. (2016). Potential of Geographic Information Systems to Create a Municipal Environmental Model. Agrisost, 22(3), 60-70. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.reduc.edu.cu/index.php/agrisost/article/view/1293