Recent Introduction of Plumeria pudica of the Apocynaceae Species in Cuba

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Julio C. Rifa Tellez, M. Sc.
Isidro Eduardo Méndez Santos, Dr. Ph.D


To reveal the identity of an allochthonous species recently introduced in Cuba and grown as ornamental plants, several botanical procedures (collections, catalogues and keys, description, and scientific illustrations) were performed. The presence of Plumeria pudica Jacq in Cuba was confirmed, and a dichotomous key was presented to contrast species of this genus now present on the island.


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To reveal the identity of an allochthonous species recently introduced in Cuba and grown as ornamental plants, several botanical procedures (collections, catalogues and keys, description, and scientific illustrations) were performed. The presence of Plumeria pudica Jacq in Cuba was confirmed, and a dichotomous key was presented to contrast species of this genus now present on the island.

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Cómo citar
Rifa Tellez, J., & Méndez Santos, I. (2017). Recent Introduction of Plumeria pudica of the Apocynaceae Species in Cuba. Agrisost, 23(3), 96-102. Recuperado a partir de
Novum cubanus plantae coluerunt