Diagnostic Procedure for Inter-Sector Relationships in the Model of Municipal Development

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Concepción O de la Torre Rodríguez, M. Sc.
Ramón González Fontes, Dr. Ph.D
Santos Pineda Zamora, M. Sc.
José Luis Céspedes Cansino, M. Sc.


Several methods were applied to design a new diagnostic procedure of inter-sector relationships, and the coordination between development strategies and key economic sectors within the strategic planning system in the municipality of Nuevitas, province of Camaguey, Cuba. The methods included analysis-synthesis; systemic, to conceive the character of component relationships; interview, survey, and documentary research. They made possible the characterization of the current situation in the municipality. The diagnostic revealed that the analysis of inter-sector relationships is not usually made, due to ongoing deficiencies regarding a procedure design to perform situational strategic diagnostics. According to the results achieved, insufficiencies in inter-sector relationships among the institutions selected for the study were identified, as a reflection of the poor coordination among the sectors. Potentialities and restrictions, weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities were revealed, which called for the implementation of a diagnostic of inter-sector relationships in the area of development strategies. The methodological proposal rests on the supposition that diagnostics should establish methods to include analysis of horizontal relationships among the sectors, convergence with the local development strategy, and more efficiency of integrated development programs.                


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Several methods were applied to design a new diagnostic procedure of inter-sector relationships, and the coordination between development strategies and key economic sectors within the strategic planning system in the municipality of Nuevitas, province of Camaguey, Cuba. The methods included analysis-synthesis; systemic, to conceive the character of component relationships; interview, survey, and documentary research. They made possible the characterization of the current situation in the municipality. The diagnostic revealed that the analysis of inter-sector relationships is not usually made, due to ongoing deficiencies regarding a procedure design to perform situational strategic diagnostics. According to the results achieved, insufficiencies in inter-sector relationships among the institutions selected for the study were identified, as a reflection of the poor coordination among the sectors. Potentialities and restrictions, weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities were revealed, which called for the implementation of a diagnostic of inter-sector relationships in the area of development strategies. The methodological proposal rests on the supposition that diagnostics should establish methods to include analysis of horizontal relationships among the sectors, convergence with the local development strategy, and more efficiency of integrated development programs.                

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Cómo citar
de la Torre Rodríguez, C., González Fontes, R., Pineda Zamora, S., & Céspedes Cansino, J. (2017). Diagnostic Procedure for Inter-Sector Relationships in the Model of Municipal Development. Agrisost, 23(3), 112-123. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.reduc.edu.cu/index.php/agrisost/article/view/2377
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