Psidium acidum (DC.) Landrum (Myrtaceae): a Recently Grown Fruit Tree in Cuba

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Reinaldo Trujillo Sánchez, Ph.D.
Marta Hernández de la Torre, Ph.D.
Iris Yalina Hernández Rodríguez, M.Sc.
Isidro E. Méndez Santos, Ph.D.


This is the first record of Psidium acidum (DC.) Landrum (Myrtaceae) in Cuba, a species originally from South America, which belongs to the sour guava group. Botanical methods like collection works, specialized catalogs, description, and scientific illustrations, were used. The usefulness of ripe fruit for human nutrition, the application of fungicides and antioxidants from branch and leaf extracts, and the plant usefulness as graft carrier for commercial cultivars were addressed as well. An analytical key was recommended to contrast from akin taxons observed in the Cuban archipelago.


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This is the first record of Psidium acidum (DC.) Landrum (Myrtaceae) in Cuba, a species originally from South America, which belongs to the sour guava group. Botanical methods like collection works, specialized catalogs, description, and scientific illustrations, were used. The usefulness of ripe fruit for human nutrition, the application of fungicides and antioxidants from branch and leaf extracts, and the plant usefulness as graft carrier for commercial cultivars were addressed as well. An analytical key was recommended to contrast from akin taxons observed in the Cuban archipelago.

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Cómo citar
Trujillo Sánchez, R., Hernández de la Torre, M., Hernández Rodríguez, I., & Méndez Santos, I. (2018). Psidium acidum (DC.) Landrum (Myrtaceae): a Recently Grown Fruit Tree in Cuba. Agrisost, 24(3), 187-193. Recuperado a partir de,,
Novum cubanus plantae coluerunt


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