Diversity of Plant Species on Six Farms in the Municipality of Minas, Camagüey, Cuba
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Context: The forms of production implemented in Cuban agriculture call for changes in terms of productive structure and diversity of crops established in the agroecosystem. Therefore, it is important to move beyond the typical inventory based on qualitative data on the existence of species, for which the application of biological indexes with a more detailed information about the diversity of agroecosystems is required.
Objective: To characterize the diversity of herbaceous, shrub, and arboreal species found on six farms in the municipality of Minas, Camagüey, Cuba.
Methods: This research took place between September 2016 and April 2017. Samples were taken from 0.24 ha lots per farm, in order to determine the number of individuals, genus, and species. Seven indexes for comparative studies, and the effects of implemented farming practices on the agroecosystem were estimated.
Results: the indexes of diversity showed low of diversity, dominance, and equitability for the most part, except on two farms whose indexes were average. On a general basis, the farms were floristically different. Hence, it was concluded that the herbaceous species showed greater specific richness than the arboreal species and low indexes of proportional presence and relative abundance of species, which implies low equitability and differences in flowering. Farm management was based on inappropriate use of agroecology principles, leading to negative environmental effects on the agroecosystem.
Conclusions: The diversity found on the farms studied comprises 67 herbaceous and 35 arboreal species. The indexes of diversity were low, especially of arboreal species, with low equitability and differences in flowering. Farm management was not properly based on agroecological practices, which led to a negative environmental impact on the agroecosystem.
Context: The forms of production implemented in Cuban agriculture call for changes in terms of productive structure and diversity of crops established in the agroecosystem. Therefore, it is important to move beyond the typical inventory based on qualitative data on the existence of species, for which the application of biological indexes with a more detailed information about the diversity of agroecosystems is required.
Objective: To characterize the diversity of herbaceous, shrub, and arboreal species found on six farms in the municipality of Minas, Camagüey, Cuba.
Methods: This research took place between September 2016 and April 2017. Samples were taken from 0.24 ha lots per farm, in order to determine the number of individuals, genus, and species. Seven indexes for comparative studies, and the effects of implemented farming practices on the agroecosystem were estimated.
Results: the indexes of diversity showed low of diversity, dominance, and equitability for the most part, except on two farms whose indexes were average. On a general basis, the farms were floristically different. Hence, it was concluded that the herbaceous species showed greater specific richness than the arboreal species and low indexes of proportional presence and relative abundance of species, which implies low equitability and differences in flowering. Farm management was based on inappropriate use of agroecology principles, leading to negative environmental effects on the agroecosystem.
Conclusions: The diversity found on the farms studied comprises 67 herbaceous and 35 arboreal species. The indexes of diversity were low, especially of arboreal species, with low equitability and differences in flowering. Farm management was not properly based on agroecological practices, which led to a negative environmental impact on the agroecosystem.
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Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0.
Derechos de autor 2018
Copyright ©Agrisost/ (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0
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