University, Biodiversity, and Education

Main Article Content

Ludwig J. Gutiérrez Montilla
Rogelio A. Díaz Castillo
Fernando Bacardí Soler


Context: Biodiversity is a condition of human existence. By transforming nature, man has also transformed its context, with ensuing progressive degradation of biological diversity. This study stems from the need to improve the treatment of biodiversity from an educational perspective that includes professional education.

Objective: The aim of this paper is to establish proper professional training interaction with biodiversity within their scope of action. It would be effective through more activities intended to achieve integration between professional education and the global issue of biodiversity.

Methods: Empirical methods were used to reveal insufficiencies and potentialities. Theoretical methods were used to lay the foundations of this study, including its background; modeling was also used.

Results: The contribution of this study consists in a pedagogical model to facilitate interaction of biodiversity with environmental education, and other factors that promote students’ culture in biological diversity.

Conclusions: Assessment of transversal treatment of biodiversity throughout environmental education of undergraduates revealed positive effects on the participants. The pertinence of these actions was corroborated. Besides, emphasis was placed on the importance, topicality, and need of further research aimed to achieve proper professional training interaction with biodiversity within their scope of action. This would be effective through more activities intended to achieve integration between professional education and the global issue of biodiversity.


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Context: Biodiversity is a condition of human existence. By transforming nature, man has also transformed its context, with ensuing progressive degradation of biological diversity. This study stems from the need to improve the treatment of biodiversity from an educational perspective that includes professional education.

Objective: The aim of this paper is to establish proper professional training interaction with biodiversity within their scope of action. It would be effective through more activities intended to achieve integration between professional education and the global issue of biodiversity.

Methods: Empirical methods were used to reveal insufficiencies and potentialities. Theoretical methods were used to lay the foundations of this study, including its background; modeling was also used.

Results: The contribution of this study consists in a pedagogical model to facilitate interaction of biodiversity with environmental education, and other factors that promote students’ culture in biological diversity.

Conclusions: Assessment of transversal treatment of biodiversity throughout environmental education of undergraduates revealed positive effects on the participants. The pertinence of these actions was corroborated. Besides, emphasis was placed on the importance, topicality, and need of further research aimed to achieve proper professional training interaction with biodiversity within their scope of action. This would be effective through more activities intended to achieve integration between professional education and the global issue of biodiversity.

Article Details

Cómo citar
Gutiérrez Montilla, L., Díaz Castillo, R., & Bacardí Soler, F. (2019). University, Biodiversity, and Education. Agrisost, 25(1), 1-10. Recuperado a partir de,,,,
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