Chemical Properties that Determine Boron Availability in Sugar Cane Soils

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Yakelin Cobo Vidal
Elio Angarica Baró
George Martín Gutiérrez
Adrián Serrano Gutierrez
Juan Alejandro Villazón
Alegna Rodríguez Fajardo


Context: Several factors are limiting the behavior and dynamics of boron (B) in the soil. Few results on assimilable B contents in the soil and its relation to other chemical properties have been published.

Objective: To determine the contents of assimilable B and the chemical properties that condition its availability in three of the main soil types where sugar cane is cultivated.

Methods: The samples were taken at random from the surface (0-20 cm) of three of the main soil types where sugar cane is cultivated in Cuba. Soil assimilable B was determined by extraction with hot water. Classification of assimilable boron concentration relied on category ranges set up by Agrolab, (2005): low (˂0.5 mg kg-1), mid (0.5 a 2.0 mg kg-1), and high (˃2.0 mg kg-1).

Results: The concentration of assimilable B varied according to the soil type, with a high dependence on chemical properties.

Conclusions: The B contents was highly dependent on variables K2O, P2O5, Mg+ and Na+. The average B concentration was within mid-range values in vertisols and low in brown and ferralitic soils, with high variability. The contents of assimilable B should be further studied, along with the effect of limiting chemical, physical, and biological factors on the soil.


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Context: Several factors are limiting the behavior and dynamics of boron (B) in the soil. Few results on assimilable B contents in the soil and its relation to other chemical properties have been published.

Objective: To determine the contents of assimilable B and the chemical properties that condition its availability in three of the main soil types where sugar cane is cultivated.

Methods: The samples were taken at random from the surface (0-20 cm) of three of the main soil types where sugar cane is cultivated in Cuba. Soil assimilable B was determined by extraction with hot water. Classification of assimilable boron concentration relied on category ranges set up by Agrolab, (2005): low (˂0.5 mg kg-1), mid (0.5 a 2.0 mg kg-1), and high (˃2.0 mg kg-1).

Results: The concentration of assimilable B varied according to the soil type, with a high dependence on chemical properties.

Conclusions: The B contents was highly dependent on variables K2O, P2O5, Mg+ and Na+. The average B concentration was within mid-range values in vertisols and low in brown and ferralitic soils, with high variability. The contents of assimilable B should be further studied, along with the effect of limiting chemical, physical, and biological factors on the soil.

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Cómo citar
Cobo Vidal, Y., Angarica Baró, E., Martín Gutiérrez, G., Serrano Gutierrez, A., Alejandro Villazón, J., & Rodríguez Fajardo, A. (2019). Chemical Properties that Determine Boron Availability in Sugar Cane Soils. Agrisost, 25(2), 1-5. Recuperado a partir de,,
Manejo Sostenible de Tierras


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