Rise in the Physiological Quality of Seeds of Maize (Zea mays L.) Using Agricultural Bioproducts
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Context: One of causes of low yields in maize is the poor physiological quality of the seeds, which does not guarantee populations with the required technical parameters. Nationally, seed germination is fostered with the use of bioproducts in different species.
Aim: To determine the vigor and electric conductivity of maize seeds, using bioproducts after putting the seeds under accelerated aging conditions.
Methods: The experiment was done in laboratory III (Bioproducts for Agricultural Use), Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Jose Marti Perez University of Sancti Spiritus, between October and December 2018. Seeds from four maize varieties provided by the Provincial Seed Company in Sancti Spiritus, were used. Francisco 28 (Fr-28), FgH, MAIG, and P-7928, and were combined with three bioproducts (T. harzianum, FitoMas E, and distilled water). A completely randomized experimental design was used, with factorial arrangement of 4x3x5.
Results: Bioproducts FitoMas E and T. harzianum proved to be effective in the recovery of seeds with physiological deterioration.
Conclusions: T. harzianum offered the best conditions to recover seed vigor, with 20 and 24% in relation to FitoMas E and the distilled water, respectively. The electric conductivity test proved its efficiency as a parameter to determine the vigor of seeds.
Context: One of causes of low yields in maize is the poor physiological quality of the seeds, which does not guarantee populations with the required technical parameters. Nationally, seed germination is fostered with the use of bioproducts in different species.
Aim: To determine the vigor and electric conductivity of maize seeds, using bioproducts after putting the seeds under accelerated aging conditions.
Methods: The experiment was done in laboratory III (Bioproducts for Agricultural Use), Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Jose Marti Perez University of Sancti Spiritus, between October and December 2018. Seeds from four maize varieties provided by the Provincial Seed Company in Sancti Spiritus, were used. Francisco 28 (Fr-28), FgH, MAIG, and P-7928, and were combined with three bioproducts (T. harzianum, FitoMas E, and distilled water). A completely randomized experimental design was used, with factorial arrangement of 4x3x5.
Results: Bioproducts FitoMas E and T. harzianum proved to be effective in the recovery of seeds with physiological deterioration.
Conclusions: T. harzianum offered the best conditions to recover seed vigor, with 20 and 24% in relation to FitoMas E and the distilled water, respectively. The electric conductivity test proved its efficiency as a parameter to determine the vigor of seeds.
Article Details
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0.
Derechos de autor 2018
Copyright ©Agrisost/ (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0
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