Strategy for Integrated Knowledge and Innovation Management in Venezuela Municipality
Main Article Content
Context: In the municipality, postgraduate actions respond to the demands of society, with innovation focused on the territory. However, integrated knowledge and innovation management is insufficient locally.
Aim: To socialize the design process of an integrated knowledge and innovation management strategy proposed for the municipality of Venezuela, and the impacts made after two years of implementation.
Methods: Discussion groups of local actors in the government, the university center, and the productive sector, were formed. The instruments used were interviews to local actors, women, young people, and productive actors, which allowed for corroboration of the real state of the context.
Results: It is possible to address major challenges considering the potentialities and weaknesses of the context through integrated and coherent actions by local actors.
Conclusions: The diagnostic demonstrated social, economic-productive, and environmental potentialities to promote local development. The theoretical-methodological rationale of integrated knowledge and innovation management evidenced the necessary relationship between knowledge management-local development - actors-strategic management. The strategy designed, and the results of implementation, demonstrated that the major challenges in the territory can be coped with the potentialities and weaknesses of the context, by means of integrated and coherent action of local actors.
Context: In the municipality, postgraduate actions respond to the demands of society, with innovation focused on the territory. However, integrated knowledge and innovation management is insufficient locally.
Aim: To socialize the design process of an integrated knowledge and innovation management strategy proposed for the municipality of Venezuela, and the impacts made after two years of implementation.
Methods: Discussion groups of local actors in the government, the university center, and the productive sector, were formed. The instruments used were interviews to local actors, women, young people, and productive actors, which allowed for corroboration of the real state of the context.
Results: It is possible to address major challenges considering the potentialities and weaknesses of the context through integrated and coherent actions by local actors.
Conclusions: The diagnostic demonstrated social, economic-productive, and environmental potentialities to promote local development. The theoretical-methodological rationale of integrated knowledge and innovation management evidenced the necessary relationship between knowledge management-local development - actors-strategic management. The strategy designed, and the results of implementation, demonstrated that the major challenges in the territory can be coped with the potentialities and weaknesses of the context, by means of integrated and coherent action of local actors.
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Derechos de autor 2018
Copyright ©Agrisost/ (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0
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