A Methodology for Professional Education in Agriculture Based on a Study of the Professional Cycle
Main Article Content
Context: The incorporation and stability of youth education in the agricultural sector ensures sustainability and preservation of the social system, but it has also generated new social needs in the country, and consequently, insufficiencies in the curricular process that limit the performance of the technical staff, so that they can play a role in the implementation and development of agricultural processes, in keeping with the need to boost this sector in Cuba.
Aim: To implement a methodology that enables positive changes in the professional performance of technicians, from the curricular design of the professional cycle of technicians.
Methods: Several theoretical, empirical, and statistical methods were implemented to assess the information found in the literature consulted, the study of regulations, and opinions of specialists, as well as its practical application to assess the outcome from implementation.
Results: The methodology used evidenced positive changes in the professional performance of technicians, with emphasis on professional problems, and in-depth characterization of the degree.
Conclusions: The results achieved were positive, evidenced in the changes observed in the performance of the technical professionals. The feasibility and pertinences of the results achieved at Martires de Pino Tres Polytechnic School, in the province of Camagüey, were corroborated.
Context: The incorporation and stability of youth education in the agricultural sector ensures sustainability and preservation of the social system, but it has also generated new social needs in the country, and consequently, insufficiencies in the curricular process that limit the performance of the technical staff, so that they can play a role in the implementation and development of agricultural processes, in keeping with the need to boost this sector in Cuba.
Aim: To implement a methodology that enables positive changes in the professional performance of technicians, from the curricular design of the professional cycle of technicians.
Methods: Several theoretical, empirical, and statistical methods were implemented to assess the information found in the literature consulted, the study of regulations, and opinions of specialists, as well as its practical application to assess the outcome from implementation.
Results: The methodology used evidenced positive changes in the professional performance of technicians, with emphasis on professional problems, and in-depth characterization of the degree.
Conclusions: The results achieved were positive, evidenced in the changes observed in the performance of the technical professionals. The feasibility and pertinences of the results achieved at Martires de Pino Tres Polytechnic School, in the province of Camagüey, were corroborated.
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Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0.
Derechos de autor 2018
Copyright ©Agrisost/ (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0
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