Growth Dynamic of Sugarcane Cultivars C97-366 and C99-374 for Forage Production
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Context: Plant growth analysis is a valuable tool to detect biomass formation and accumulation. The determination of growth indexes enables plants to adapt to different edaphoclimatic conditions, and to select the most promising responses among them.
Aim: To characterize the growth dynamic of sugarcane cultivars C97-366 and C99-374, with forage purposes.
Methods: A randomized experimental block design with three replicas was used. The following growth indicators were evaluated: foliage surface, foliage surface index, crop growth rate, and net monthly assimilation rate, at 181 days (February) and 342 days (July), after planting. Correlation analyses were made to determine the best model fit for every indicator evaluated in the two cultivars, as well as the analysis of variance of regressions.
Results: Cultivar C97-366 was fit to a linear model for the foliage surface index, crop growth rate, and net assimilation rate; the foliage surface was fit to a polynomial model. Cultivar C99-374 was fit to a polynomial model for the foliage surface index, crop growth rate, and net assimilation rate; the foliage surface index was fit to a linear model.
Conclusions: Cultivars C97-366 and C99-374 showed genetic and morphological characteristics that lead to efficient physiological processes that determine proper biomass production.
Context: Plant growth analysis is a valuable tool to detect biomass formation and accumulation. The determination of growth indexes enables plants to adapt to different edaphoclimatic conditions, and to select the most promising responses among them.
Aim: To characterize the growth dynamic of sugarcane cultivars C97-366 and C99-374, with forage purposes.
Methods: A randomized experimental block design with three replicas was used. The following growth indicators were evaluated: foliage surface, foliage surface index, crop growth rate, and net monthly assimilation rate, at 181 days (February) and 342 days (July), after planting. Correlation analyses were made to determine the best model fit for every indicator evaluated in the two cultivars, as well as the analysis of variance of regressions.
Results: Cultivar C97-366 was fit to a linear model for the foliage surface index, crop growth rate, and net assimilation rate; the foliage surface was fit to a polynomial model. Cultivar C99-374 was fit to a polynomial model for the foliage surface index, crop growth rate, and net assimilation rate; the foliage surface index was fit to a linear model.
Conclusions: Cultivars C97-366 and C99-374 showed genetic and morphological characteristics that lead to efficient physiological processes that determine proper biomass production.
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Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0.
Derechos de autor 2018
Copyright ©Agrisost/ (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0
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