Essential Notes on the Passiflora incarnata-Agraulis vanillae insularis Relation
Main Article Content
Context: The local vegetation was studied to identify elements that could host butterfly rearing (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) in the butterfly refuge at the Camaguey’s Botanical Park
Aim: To unveil the nomenclature, taxonomy, phenotypical characterization, differences from akin taxa, distribution, and ethnobiological traits of a host plant (Passiflora incarnata L.), and one of the butterflies that lives in it (Agraulis vanillae insularis Maynard, 1889).
Methods: Field observation, work with biological collections, digital image processing, specimen identification through descriptive catalogs and analytical keys, experimental breeds in controlled conditions.
Results: The recorded history of P. incarnata L. in Cuba was reconstructed, and the origin of the germplasm found at the Camaguey’s Botanical Park was elucidated. A. vanillae insularis Maynard (1889) demonstrated a potential as a host plant in Cuba. Different criteria were defined to contrast the two taxa with their akin. The feasibility of using the plant to rear butterflies for exhibition purposes was discussed.
Conclusions: Due to the frequency P. incarnata L. is cultivated in Cuba, it should be acknowledged as part of the economic flora of the nation. Considering that it acts as a host plant at the Camaguey’s Botanical Park, and is capable of host the rearing of A. vanillae insularis Maynard (1889) butterflies, which have the potential to be included in the butterfly refuge under construction in the park.
Context: The local vegetation was studied to identify elements that could host butterfly rearing (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) in the butterfly refuge at the Camaguey’s Botanical Park
Aim: To unveil the nomenclature, taxonomy, phenotypical characterization, differences from akin taxa, distribution, and ethnobiological traits of a host plant (Passiflora incarnata L.), and one of the butterflies that lives in it (Agraulis vanillae insularis Maynard, 1889).
Methods: Field observation, work with biological collections, digital image processing, specimen identification through descriptive catalogs and analytical keys, experimental breeds in controlled conditions.
Results: The recorded history of P. incarnata L. in Cuba was reconstructed, and the origin of the germplasm found at the Camaguey’s Botanical Park was elucidated. A. vanillae insularis Maynard (1889) demonstrated a potential as a host plant in Cuba. Different criteria were defined to contrast the two taxa with their akin. The feasibility of using the plant to rear butterflies for exhibition purposes was discussed.
Conclusions: Due to the frequency P. incarnata L. is cultivated in Cuba, it should be acknowledged as part of the economic flora of the nation. Considering that it acts as a host plant at the Camaguey’s Botanical Park, and is capable of host the rearing of A. vanillae insularis Maynard (1889) butterflies, which have the potential to be included in the butterfly refuge under construction in the park.
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Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0.
Derechos de autor 2018
Copyright ©Agrisost/ (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0
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