Controlled Breeding of Coccoloba cowellii Britton (Polygonaceae), a Threatened Endemic Species
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Context: Coccoloba cowellii Britton is an endemic plant to Camaguey province, Cuba, which has been reported in critical danger of extinction, though phytochemical studies have revealed the presence of promising compounds with antioxidant activity. Hence, the need for standardizing the potential economic exploitation of the species through preservation has encouraged scholars to study the features of the seeds and germination.
Aim: To assess C. cowelli seed dormancy, and evaluate their germination under controlled conditions.
Methods: Anatomical and physiological evaluation of C. cowellii seed dormancy. A standard factorial experiment was designed to evaluate the germination capacity under controlled conditions, consisting of three factors, one with two levels, and the other with three levels. All the possible combinations were evaluated, totaling 18 experimental units.
Results: The presence of non-dehydration sensitive C. cowellii seeds was checked, along with the absence of factors that can delay their physiological maturity. There were differences in terms of germinative efficiency resulting from scarification as pre-germinative treatments, rather than by inhibition. A significant decrease was observed 180 days following the harvest, while the best results were achieved with the utilization of substrate collected from the natural habitat.
Conclusions: C. cowellii seeds can be dehydrated and stored at room temperature to preserve embryo viability of at least 50% of them. The feasibility of germination under controlled conditions favored the implementation of ex-situ controlled steps, the generation of plant material for further research, and the existence of a potential for sustainable production.
Context: Coccoloba cowellii Britton is an endemic plant to Camaguey province, Cuba, which has been reported in critical danger of extinction, though phytochemical studies have revealed the presence of promising compounds with antioxidant activity. Hence, the need for standardizing the potential economic exploitation of the species through preservation has encouraged scholars to study the features of the seeds and germination.
Aim: To assess C. cowelli seed dormancy, and evaluate their germination under controlled conditions.
Methods: Anatomical and physiological evaluation of C. cowellii seed dormancy. A standard factorial experiment was designed to evaluate the germination capacity under controlled conditions, consisting of three factors, one with two levels, and the other with three levels. All the possible combinations were evaluated, totaling 18 experimental units.
Results: The presence of non-dehydration sensitive C. cowellii seeds was checked, along with the absence of factors that can delay their physiological maturity. There were differences in terms of germinative efficiency resulting from scarification as pre-germinative treatments, rather than by inhibition. A significant decrease was observed 180 days following the harvest, while the best results were achieved with the utilization of substrate collected from the natural habitat.
Conclusions: C. cowellii seeds can be dehydrated and stored at room temperature to preserve embryo viability of at least 50% of them. The feasibility of germination under controlled conditions favored the implementation of ex-situ controlled steps, the generation of plant material for further research, and the existence of a potential for sustainable production.
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Derechos de autor 2018
Copyright ©Agrisost/ (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0
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