PGF2α (250 mcg d-cloprostenol) Effectiveness of two Schemes for Estrus Induction in Brahman Bovine Females with Lasting Anestrus.

  • Régulo Uzcátegui Aranguren VETEAGRO, State of Barinas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
  • Héctor Fajardo Rivero Jorge Dimitrov Institute for Agricultural Research, Bayamo, Granma, Cuba.
  • José A. Bertot Valdés Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Camaguey, Cuba.
  • María I. Viamonte Garcés Jorge Dimitrov Institute for Agricultural Research, Bayamo, Granma, Cuba.
  • Niurky Rojas Gámez Jorge Dimitrov Institute for Agricultural Research, Bayamo, Granma, Cuba.
  • Lino Curbelo Rodríguez Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Camaguey, Cuba.
Palabras clave: estrus, pregnancy, Brahman


The reproductive behavior of Brahman breeding cows subject to estrus induction was assessed, at the “Rancho Bonito Farm”, Gamelotal area, Lara State, Venezuela. The experiment lasted 90 days, and was based on two estrus induction schemes (Progesterone + Estradiol Benzoate and Progesterone + PMSG). Following 72 h of treatment, 62.5 % of the  cows that received  P4  + PMSG  were fertilized; whereas the P4  + BE treatment induced fertilization of 25 % (P < 0.05). During the 90 days,  93.7 % of the cows that received P4  + PMSG, and 75 %  under  the P4  + BE treatment, were fertilized, which demonstrated the effectiveness of the schemes.


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Cómo citar
Uzcátegui Aranguren, R., Fajardo Rivero, H., Bertot Valdés, J. A., Viamonte Garcés, M., Rojas Gámez, N., & Curbelo Rodríguez, L. (2017). PGF2α (250 mcg d-cloprostenol) Effectiveness of two Schemes for Estrus Induction in Brahman Bovine Females with Lasting Anestrus. Revista De Producción Animal, 27(2), 28-31. Recuperado a partir de,,,,,
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