Morphological Characterization of Pure Cuban Game Hens.

  • Ángel Vázquez Gil University of Camagüey, Cuba.
  • Danays Palacio Collado University of Camagüey, Cuba.
  • Luis Guerra Casas University of Camagüey, Cuba.
  • Yeniseis Mena Chavez National Enterprise for Wildlife Protection, Cuba.
Palabras clave: hens, external morphology, Cuban breeds


Several external, qualitative and quantitative morphological features of 102 adult pure Cuban game hens were assessed in the province of Camagüey, Cuba. The results were arranged phenotypically to calculate the total freque n-cies. The fowls were weighed individually and their body parts were measured. The mean, minimum, maximum, standard deviation and variation coefficients were determined for live weight and body part length. The results of the correlation coefficient for live weight, thorax characteristics and tarsus was positive but low. The external aspect was characterized by reddish plumage (60 %); single or serrated combs (82 %), and yellow-brown bills (52 %).


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Cómo citar
Vázquez Gil, Ángel, Palacio Collado, D., Guerra Casas, L., & Mena Chavez, Y. (2017). Morphological Characterization of Pure Cuban Game Hens. Revista De Producción Animal, 27(2), 31-36. Recuperado a partir de,
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