Effect of Ecotype and Cutting Frequency on Forage Yields of Moringa oleifera Lam in the Cauto Valley

  • José Ledea Rodríguez Jorge Dimitrov Center for Agricultural Research, Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages, Bayamo, Cuba
  • Giselle Rosell Alonso Jorge Dimitrov Center for Agricultural Research, Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages, Bayamo, Cuba
  • Diocles Benítez Jiménez Jorge Dimitrov Center for Agricultural Research, Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages, Bayamo, Cuba
  • Ramón Arias Pérez Jorge Dimitrov Center for Agricultural Research, Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages, Bayamo, Cuba
  • Jorge Ray Ramírez Jorge Dimitrov Center for Agricultural Research, Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages, Bayamo, Cuba
  • Yordanis Nuviola Pérez Jorge Dimitrov Center for Agricultural Research, Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages, Bayamo, Cuba
Palabras clave: Biomass production, tree-like, Moringa oleifera


The study took place at the Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages to evaluate the effect of the cut frequency (45 and 60 days) on forage yields of Moringa oleifera ecotypes Nicaragua and Criolla, with irrigation and organic fertilization, on fluvisol, in the Cauto Valley. A randomized block design with 2x2 factorial design and four replicas was used. The plants were cut 10 cm high from the ground, and variables plant height, shoot amount and thickness, number of leaves, leaf/stem ratio, total dry matter (DM) yields, and dry leaves and stems, were determined. Except for the number of shoots, all the variables were significant for the cutting frequency (P < 0.001). The number of leaves was the only variable with a difference for the ecotype factor (P < 0.05). The highest yields in total dry matter were achieved at 60 days (3.8 t.ha-1). However, the experiment only lasted 180 days with gradual reduction in production, caused by the competition between M. oleifera and invading graminaceae. The study concluded that the cutting frequency of 60 days produced increased yields of DM. However, the cutting height favored the presence of invading plants, with decreasing yields and sustainability of forage production.


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Cómo citar
Ledea Rodríguez, J., Rosell Alonso, G., Benítez Jiménez, D., Arias Pérez, R., Ray Ramírez, J., & Nuviola Pérez, Y. (2018). Effect of Ecotype and Cutting Frequency on Forage Yields of Moringa oleifera Lam in the Cauto Valley. Revista De Producción Animal, 29(3), 12-17. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.reduc.edu.cu, revistas.reduc.edu.cu, revistas.reduc.edu.cu, revistas.reduc.edu.cu, revistas.reduc.edu.cu, revistas.reduc.edu.cu, revistas.reduc.edu.cu, revistas.reduc.edu.cu, revistas.reduc.edu.cu, revistas.reduc.edu.cu/index.php/rpa/article/view/2226
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