Rabbit Nutrition with Tropical Foliage and Sugar Cane.

  • Ángel Luis La O Michel University of Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Manuel Valdivié Navarro Institute for Animal Science, San José de las Lajas, Havana, Cuba.
  • Luis Manuel Mora Castellanos Institute for Animal Science, San José de las Lajas, Havana, Cuba.
  • Yanixi Acosta Acosta University of Guantánamo, Cuba.
Palabras clave: rabbit nutrition, tropical foliage, sugar cane


The behavior of productive indicators was assessed in 45 growing Cuban Brown rabbits (498 g average mean weight), fed with tropical foliage and sugar cane stems. A completely random design was used, with three treatments and 15 repetitions: foliage of  Teramnus labialis+sugar cane stem; foliage of Ipomoea batata+sugar cane stem; and foliage of  Phyla nodiflora+sugar cane stem. The highest consumption of fresh foliage was observed in  Ipomoea ba-tata (269 g) and Teramnus labialis (205 g). Animal variants Phyla nodiflora+sugar cane had a basic consumption of sugar cane (144.87 g). The Teramnus labialis-sugar cane alternative produced the highest consumption levels of raw protein (9.32 g) and digestible energy (0.79 MJ). Live weight gains were observed between 10.46 and 16.96  g/d, and feed conversion between 4.06 and 5.23, similar in both indicators for Teramnus labialis-sugar cane and Ipomoea batata-sugar cane. Live weight gain was extremely low in the Phyla nodiflora-sugar cane variant, with the highest values observed for feed conversion. Teramnus labialis-sugar cane and Ipomoea batata-sugar cane may be used by rab-bit breeders with lands for tropical foliage, and sugar cane in Cuba. The opposite was observed for P hyla nodiflora-sugar cane, which turned out little attractive for rabbit fattening.


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Cómo citar
La O Michel, Ángel, Valdivié Navarro, M., Mora Castellanos, L., & Acosta Acosta, Y. (2017). Rabbit Nutrition with Tropical Foliage and Sugar Cane. Revista De Producción Animal, 27(1), 21-26. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.reduc.edu.cu/index.php/rpa/article/view/1313
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