Saccharomyces cerevisiae for Control and Prevention of Diarrhea in Grazing Calves.
Two homogenous Cuban Siboney groups (20 grazing animals each), approximately 180 days old were made up to assess the probiotic effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on diarrhea prevention and control. The experimental group received sugar cane meal ad libitum, and 100 ml of liquid culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, variety C-40 (1.3 × 108 ufc/g), mixed/kg of Norgold/animal. No yeast was supplied to this group. During the four months of assessment the diarrhea episodes were produced from two to three days on average (18 days total). Twenty -five epi-sodes were observed in the control group, from three to five days (88 days total). S. cerevisiae has a probiotic effect on grazing calves, helps reduce the incidence of diarrhea, and lasts less when it occurs.Descargas
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