Technical Efficiency of Artificial Insemination in Dairy Cattle Companies in Camagüey, Cuba.

  • Maydier Norman Horrach Junco Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University of Camaguey, Cuba.
  • José Alberto Bertot Valdés Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University of Camaguey, Cuba.
  • Roberto Vázquez Montes de Oca Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University of Camaguey, Cuba.
  • Magaly Garay Durba Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University of Camaguey, Cuba.
  • Rafael Avilés Balmaseda Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University of Camaguey, Cuba.
  • Carlos Loyola Oriyés Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University of Camaguey, Cuba.
Palabras clave: seasonability, dairy cattle, artificial insemination, time series


The technical efficiency behavior of artificial insemination in dairy cattle companies in the province of Camaguey, Cuba, was assessed.  The breeding data  (January 2009-December 2005)  from the livestock Vice Presidency of the Ministry of Agriculture in the province were used in  the study. The technical efficiency of insemination was calculated from the total number of inseminated females that tested positive to pregnancy diagnostic in every month and company. Range graphic and frequency analyses were performed, and the series components were determined
by the multiplicative method. Autocorrelation analysis and seasonal decomposition were made, considering ± 10% as seasonability criterion. The technical efficiency values observed for artificial insemination ranged between 40 and 64%, with a mean of 51.49%. The most commonly observed frequencies were between 48 and 56%, with a stable behavior, and seasonal indexes between 90.21 (May), to 108.91 (September). The decrease in the mean values of technical efficiency in artificial insemination was characterized by the lack of seasonal behavior. It indicated the need to evaluate other factors related to the technical work, as well as other organizational aspects of breeding linked to measures implemented by management in 2008.


La descarga de datos todavía no está disponible.


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Cómo citar
Horrach Junco, M., Bertot Valdés, J., Vázquez Montes de Oca, R., Garay Durba, M., Avilés Balmaseda, R., & Loyola Oriyés, C. (2017). Technical Efficiency of Artificial Insemination in Dairy Cattle Companies in Camagüey, Cuba. Revista De Producción Animal, 29(1), 45-49. Recuperado a partir de,,
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