Seasonal Behavior of Fasciola hepatica in Sacrificed Bovines at Chacuba Slaughterhouse, Camagüey, Cuba.
To determine the existence of seasonal patterns for Fasciola hepatica infestation in bovines slaughtered in the province of Camaguey, Cuba, information gathered from 13 059 bovines sacrificed at the Chacuba slaughterhouse (Terso Livestock Basic Marketing Company, Maraguan Livestock Company), between 2008 and 2014, was used. The study included 2 387 animals affected by F. hepatica, according to the anatomical and pathological diagnostic made at the slaughterhouse. Prevalence calculations were based on the sacrificed and affected animals (18.27%) for the entire period. The seasonal decomposition process was based on additive model. It revealed the existence of sea-sonal behavior for the animals affected by Fasciola hepatica and its prevalence. The seasonal patterns had peaks inFebruary, October and December for the two variables studied. Evaluation of intermediate hosts dynamics and larval F. hepatica stages were associated to the seasonal patterns observed.
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