Model Comparison to Interpret the Kinetics of in vitroGas Production with Bovine Excreta Used as Inoculum.

  • Silvio J. Martínez Sáez Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Camagüey, Cuba.
  • Cecilia E. González Pérez Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Camagüey, Cuba.
  • Marlene León González Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Camagüey, Cuba.
  • Redimio M. Pedraza Olivera Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Camagüey, Cuba.
Palabras clave: in vitrogas, excreta, models, better adjustment


New models to help interpret the kinetics of in vitrogas production with bovine excreta used as inoculum were suggested. Samples of L. leucocephala, G. sepiumand P. maximum, with different gas production profiles, were used. The samples were submitted to the procedure for gas production and the volumes were determined every 3 h, in the first 30 h; then at 36; 48; 72 and 96 h. Five models were compared (two monophase and three biphase), and the parameters for better adjustment were determined. Mean squared error and the Durbin-Watson test were used as comparison criteria. It was concluded that the monophase models fall short to describe the kinetics of in vitrogas production with bovine excreta; whereas the biphase models with simple exponential components are useful. The biphase equation, where V = 0 for t < L and V = B * (1 – EXP (- C * (t - L))) for t ≥L classified as the most useful work is done with syringes.


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Cómo citar
Martínez Sáez, S., González Pérez, C., León González, M., & Pedraza Olivera, R. (2017). Model Comparison to Interpret the Kinetics of in vitroGas Production with Bovine Excreta Used as Inoculum. Revista De Producción Animal, 26(3), 11-17. Recuperado a partir de,,
Salud Animal

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