Principal Components Applied to Biological Research. III. Application to Experiments Involving Animals

  • Guillermo R Pardo Cardoso Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Camagüey, Cuba
  • Luis Guerra Casas Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Camagüey, Cuba


The principal components technique was used in research evaluating four hatchings with different kinds of eggs according to their weight and shape. To this end, a factorial experiment (3 x 2) with a completely randomized design was carried out to determine hatching development through biological control. Main results from Kaiser- Mayer- Olkin’s and Bartlett’s tests showed that evaluated indexes were associated; hence, a number of transformations are required to guarantee the analyzed variables independence. Throughout the suggested methodology, four independent final variables were obtained. The variance analysis showed no interaction between egg weight and shape. In conclusion, the original variables transformation guaranteed their independence, thus confirming the preliminary hypotheses concerning variance analysis and simplifying result interpretation. The canonical variables assessment will be easier therefore when using terms such as efficiency and proportion in relation to the most significant reported value.


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How to Cite
Pardo Cardoso, G., & Guerra Casas, L. (2019). Principal Components Applied to Biological Research. III. Application to Experiments Involving Animals. Revista De Producción Animal, 19(1). Retrieved from
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